Français Nederlands

Mevrouw Paula Vierendeel

Photo 405700
Woonachtig te Dilbeek (1700)
Geboren te Meerbeke (9402) op woensdag 4 januari 1933
Overleden te Aalst (9300) op vrijdag 19 augustus 2016 op 83 jarige leeftijd
Echtgenote van Mijnheer Gerard Kestens

Herdenkingsruimte « rouwbetuiging » 

Deze rouwbeklagruimte werd aangemaakt de maandag 22 augustus 2016.

De rouwbetuigingen

24 rouwbetuigingen (23 privé)  

I was saddened to hear the news of Oma's passing. I will always remember her sweet smile. I am thankful I was able to see her in April at Jan's confirmation. I am also glad that I have known all of her wonderful children and grandchildren and her husband Karl. I will be praying for special grace for Karl and their children Hildegarde, Greta, Bea, Maria and Bart and for their familie as they go through this period of grief. But I am also confident that she is in a better place now free from suffering and pain and we will see her again at the resurrection! Viel Leefs, Larry

O'Boyle Larry- 26/08/2016